Letter to Kapilnathji of 11 January 1988
Please Note: This post from the Open Door category, “INO Schism” contains the views of Shri Gurudev Mahendranath regarding a schism within the INO which culminated in the appointment of a new leadership in 1989. This category is included in our archives as testament to the specific issues and time line of events. These posts are critical of the views and behavior of several people and do not reflect the uplifting concepts and ideals of the INO as a whole. Read on only if you are seeking accurate and reliable information regarding the specific issues involved. A document clearly explaining these issues is under development and will use these letters to validate its accuracy and time line.

Dearest Kapilnathji,
Love and blessing in a huge bundle to you all.
I feel a Standard Initiation Form is now necessary to encourage new Naths and Devis to pass it on. This is only a suggested prototype much as I have used myself. … If you agree to this could you send copies to all leaders when you write so they can copy. One could be given to every new initiate and they in turn can copy and pass it on.
I had a lovely letter from Dan J. (Sweden). He can get no reply from Mike and no literature from London. Look after him he is a lovely person and wants to translate all the material and publish in Sweden. I am now awaiting report on the seminar and how things developed…
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