Gems from Mahendranath

There is a lamp which burns eternally,
A thing of splendor, hidden deep within;
Until its light is liberated, free,
How can real joy and happiness begin?
There is a lamp which burns eternally,
A thing of splendor, hidden deep within;
Until its light is liberated, free,
How can real joy and happiness begin?
“That which is eternal retains its value forever and ever:
It is the Supreme Substance and eternal life continuum.
It neither rots in the ground nor can be reduced to ashes:
But humans do not know where it is or whence it goes,
Nor how it came to be here, or if it is really here at all.
Born in mystery, live in paradox, released to nowhere;
Adrift in a vast Cosmos where there is neither up nor down.
The mere words God, Soul, Atman, Spirit are all derogatory,
For that which is all the names is without a real name,
A something, somewhere which defies all our descriptions,
An un-manifest which manifests in all and everything.”
“Yoga is the transformation of the mind complex and its activity;
The helixform path of magick leading to higher spiritual levels;
To vanquish the conditioning and habits inflamed by civilization,
Restoring our original nature and magick charisma of divinity
By union of the individual spirit with the supreme Atman.”
~ Shri Gurudev Mahendranath
Tantra develops in the three aspects of higher thinking – Insight, Intuition, Imagination. By these, developed in meditation, the mind awakens to understanding and union with the Cosmic Purusha and rebirth on the earth dimension is no more.
~ Shri Gurudev Mahendranath
In the bliss and joy of deep samadhi, yet seeking nothing, only stillness be; then will come the supreme realization that you are Soul and always have been free.
~Shri Gurudev Mahendranath