Letter to Kapilnath & Co. of 6 March 1988

Letter to Kapilnath & Co. of 6 March 1988

Please Note: This post from the Open Door category, “INO Schism” contains the views of Shri Gurudev Mahendranath regarding a schism within the INO which culminated in the appointment of a new leadership in 1989. This category is included in our archives as testament to the specific issues and time line of events. These posts are critical of the views and behavior of several people and do not reflect the uplifting concepts and ideals of the INO as a whole. Read on only if you are seeking accurate and reliable information regarding the specific issues involved. A document clearly explaining these issues is under development and will use these letters to validate its accuracy and time line.

Dearest Kapilnath & Co.,

Later I received your AG of 26-2-88.

I also have a few notes to add to my last. Especially I would prefer that the Initiation was not published for public gaze, but only issued as copies to groups.

Eyes still in mourning and sometimes in spate. I replied to Denny’s letter but his writ is not easy to read through a film of water. I gather they wanted to get married in the nude, but the Bishop and other institution objected, but they settled for the Chinese temple as the priest is so very shortsighted. Lucky people. Denny seems to have all the fun—at the moment.

Indications here today the hot season is only a few days away. Cool at night but sweaty in afternoon. Dinesh is to get an exhaust fan and it only has to be fixed.

I have to write now in stages—a bit at a time. Tell Doctor Garudanath not to worry. I don’t think anything can be done to cure it because it’s just part of growing old. I am taking multivitamin tab and extra tabs of Vitamin A. Some general improvement but physically in good nick. There is an eye walla in Ahmedabad Hospital if I can get in sometime.

Please tell Denny, Eric and the other Nathas in the West Coast area that my letters to you are joint letters to them all. I must restrict writ now because of my eyes and every letter or AG takes several days to write.

It is true the expansion of the Nath Order will be the best tonic to me. Not only some expansion but also some real attainment. But please remember, this is not for everyone. Most of them will be too caught up in the web of earlier conditioning and morals to ever escape to freedom. It were ever thus.

I think that Mike wants to drop out but he can’t say so because [omitted] and a few other things has been due to claiming his acceptance of what I teach in the MSS while he himself acts differently and reflects too much his past conditioning. And he & some others talk about meditation, teach people to meditate, but don’t find time to practice themselves.

Don’t worry about any Yankee Doodle takeover. To me every indication makes it not only inevitable but desirable. London has decomposed and the only real active in U.K. is the Oxford people. They now have the The Magick Path of Tantra and printing it in their mag.

I was amused at the Super Bowl forecast (and the magick cookies). Such things develop quite naturally with meditation and development…

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