About International Nath Order

About International Nath Order

The International Nath Order was founded in 1978 by Shri Gurudev Mahendranath. The INO is for people who want and will work for:

1. Spiritual Development toward Awakening.
2. The development of Occult attainment (Siddhi).
3. A new, better, and more enlightened Social Order based on our Pagan past.

Nath or Devi of the International Nath Order is not bound by the rules of Asian sadhus and may work for gainful employment, marry and live the normal way of Western patterns. While there is a wealth of wisdom and magic within the INO, we have no rules, prohibitions or dogma which must be blindly accepted by its initiates. One key word of the International Nath Order is THINK. We look to a new awareness and patterns of thinking which are free from the superstitions and sterile formalities of the past.

In 1989, Shri Gurudev Mahendranath retired as head of the International Nath Order and appointed Sri Kapilnath as his successor and Imperator Magus Mundi of the INO. Sri Kapilnath and INO initiates continue the work begun by Shri Mahendranath and are currently engaged in publishing Shri Gurudev’s writings, creating spiritual retreats and providing guidance and initiation to qualified aspirants.

INO Lineage

The International Nath Order is a initiatic lineage whose roots are from many lands. These initiations were digested and passed on as mind/spirit transmission and a body of wisdom. The INO is a modern manifestation of the Kaula/Nath tradition which does not identify itself as Hindu or Buddhist. It is an English language, international manifestation of a very ancient spiritual lineage. More on the INO lineage continues here.

INO Membership

Questions about the International Nath Order, practices, goals, beliefs, initiation and more can be found on the INO FAQ page. Fill out the Petition for Membership to begin the process of joining the INO.

INO Initiate Zonules

Zonule refers to a zone or area in which one engages in yoga, performs puja or related occult experiments. The term represents a physical area as an intentional local space for spiritual exertion (sadhana). Get acquainted with a number of active Initiates of the International Nath Order.


MAGIKOS Magick and Gramarye Initiate Knights of Shambhala, was put into motion in 1989 by Shri Gurudev Mahendranath as the In-group responsible for leadership within the International Nath Order. As an In-group, MAGIKOS is comprised of only those initiates of the INO who who have absorbed and mastered the guidelines set forth… Continue reading about MAGIKOS.


There are several sets of words which form a key to the magick of the International Nath Order. The most essential of these words is THINK. The other words come in groups of three, four, and five words which should be studied together. A thorough understanding of these terms and their interrelations with each… Proceed to the Keywords of the INO.

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