The Scrolls of Mahendranath

The Scrolls of Mahendranath

Portrait of Mahendranath, waist up, wearing orange cloth around body and over left shoulder, rudrakshas, foliage in background
Shri Gurudev Mahendranath

The Scrolls of Mahendranath is a compilation of sixteen writings authored by Shri Gurudev Mahendranath that was published in book form by the International Nath Order in 1990. The announcement of the first publication can be found on the Open Door.

The Scrolls of Mahendranath are an important introduction to our way of life and provides the general direction for our personal work within the Order. The Scrolls is required reading prior to inquiring about joining the INO.

At present, The Scrolls of Mahendranath is out of print. However, plans are underway to republish an updated version. To stay informed about the release, we encourage you to subscribe to the Open Door. By doing so, you will receive notification about the availability of the new edition.

Read The Scrolls of Mahendranath and other writings by Dadaji here.

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