International Nath Order Mela 2024

International Nath Order Mela 2024

INO Mela 2024
Illumination of the Superfaculties

Blyn, WA July 18-23, 2024

Participants are invited to join Sri Vijayanath, Initiates and friends of the International Nath Order at this beautiful location on the Washington peninsula. For six days we will engage the time-honored and carefully honed techniques of Tantra to further Illuminate the Super-Faculties of Insight, Intuition and Imagination. 

Daily discussion on these subjects will break out into practical application time with energy and awareness exercises, giving you a chance to explore your own relationship to these innate faculties. Some therapeutic movement will also be in the rotation and the evening rituals will find correspondence with the themes addressed each day. You are invited to join us as we gather again to apply ancient techniques of tantra that will continue to evolve your perspective and shed light upon the path ahead.

According to Shri Gurudev Mahendranath the awakening of Insight, Intuition, and Imagination can:

  • help one to think freely and also conjure up brilliant alternatives,
  • determine errors and incongruities with astonishing rapidity,
  • enable one to create their own texts, mantras, and rituals,
  • awaken the mind to understanding and union with the Cosmic Spirit

This Gathering is open to Initiates and Aspirants of the INO as well as the general public. 

Available Space: 20 People

The usual pattern is to engage in practice 3 times per day as a group:

1 – Meditation at Morning Twilight
2 – Discussion and Movement in the afternoon
3 – Ritual at Evening Twilight

A full daily itinerary for this event will be posted for you on-site. 

Arrangements and Travel: 

Confirmed Participants should arrive on-site by 6pm on July 17, 2024. The INO Mela officially begins at twilight the next morning.

The nearest flight hub is SEA Seattle, Washington.  There will be transportation available for those who can arrive by 3pm on  July 17th. It is roughly a 2 hour drive to the property from SEA International Airport.

The INO Mela will end on the night of July 23rd and we will pack out on the morning of the 24th. It is recommended that you book your flight home in the afternoon or evening on July 24th at the earliest. Remember that transport back to SEA Airport is approx two hours or more depending on traffic. Carpools will be available. 


Camping or Hotel

Summer in the Pacific Northwest is incredible and so basking in this beautiful meadow surrounded by tall trees and a salmon creek is an excellent way to experience attunement to the natural rhythms of Day, Night and Twilight. If you are traveling and do not want to bring full camp gear, please make sure to let our coordinator know so we can arrange the appropriate gear for your needs in order to make you comfortable. Tents are not necessary as there is floor space available in the Yurt for those who do not mind sleeping in community. 

For those who would like an alternative to camping on-site, you may wish to secure accommodation at the 7 Cedars casino/hotel nearby. If you do not plan to drive yourself, you need to arrange transport from the hotel each day. Please make sure to notify our logistics coordinator so you do not miss your ride! 

Cost $1200

Read a recap of INO Mela 2024 in The Open Door.