International Nath Order Petition for Membership

If you are interested in joining the INO and proceeding to receive initiation, begin by reading the essays and information on this website. The Scrolls of Mahendranath is required reading prior to inquiring about joining the INO.
First, consider joining the International Nath Order Facebook Group and ask whatever questions you may have about the INO before petitioning for membership. That is good place to get some information and pose questions so that you can determine for yourself whether membership into the INO is right for you.
After completing the items above, if you think the INO is for you, then fill out the petition below to begin the membership process.
We encourage you to provide us with as much background material on yourself as you care to give, especially regarding spiritual practices or affiliations, but also personal information (lifestyle, job, interests, etc.).
An initiate of the INO will contact you by email after the petition is received and reviewed. A dialogue will begin to discover if the INO is a good fit for you and how to move forward.
At any time you can consider joining the online, monthly Virtual Kula Discourse. More information about the discourse can be found here.