Gems from Mahendranath

Gems from Mahendranath

Gems from Mahendranath

Ignorance builds up when we blindly accept information and neglect to give serious thought to details. Wisdom must be based on facts and clarity. Wisdom as understood by a Natha need not be wisdom as understood by ordinary people.

~Shri Gurudev Mahendranath

Gems from Mahendranath

Gems from Mahendranath

“If I were asked to state the main task of a Natha or Nathess, it would be to free the mind of the brainwashing and conditioning of society, teachers, and even parents, and think over aspects of the world and construct for themselves a way of life and a super lifestyle of peace, freedom, and happiness. Nobody, on their own, can do much to change the patterns and conditions of the world in which one lives, but our individual spiritual development and mental approach can do much to overcome the obstacles. See an ethereal, instead of a sordid material, environment; evolve to a state of mind and spirit as a barrier to—and to even evaporate—the elements of life which cause trouble, trauma, and tension for ordinary people. Only we ourselves can solve the enigmas and paradoxes of life, and in this, the mind/spirit plays the most important part.”

~Shri Gurudev Mahendranath

Gems from Mahendranath

Gems from Mahendranath

“The more you meditate the more you will like and enjoy it. Few other pleasures in life can equal it and it becomes not only the most delightful of habits but the most useful and profitable. Yet you will not become an incurable addict. When one has truly accomplished or attained siddha in meditation one will not have to really think of renouncing the world for most of the sordid world one knew and loathed will have completely disappeared. Mind expansion is the only real peace of mind, which human beings can obtain.”
~ Shri Gurudev Mahendranath