I have been a student of classical Indian subjects for the past 30 years, and some 2 decades ago had the good fortune to be introduced to the INO. I am an initiate in the Nath Kula of Sri Kapilnath, and in addition to the blessings that flow through this line, I’ve been guided with multiple Buddhist teachings and the diksha of my Jyotisha teacher and lineage. I practice and teach Jyotisha, Palmistry, and Vaastu, and expect to be a continuing student in those and other subjects, for whatever remains of this lifetime. I think that the Mantralaya Zonule is the most northerly, being in southwest British Columbia, Canada. Where I also am learning to garden, and to listen again to the wind and watch the sky. Om Shanti Siva Shakti Svaha!
Writings by Khadgadevi
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