INO Mela 2017

INO Mela 2017

INO Mela 2017 will be hosted at The Sanctuary in Costa Rica and takes place on February 19th through the 25th of 2017.  Here participants will uncover the yogic techniques of Mantra, Meditation and Ritual as practiced by INO initiates. The full schedule for the week is outlined below and followed by event details and links to suggested reading. Participation is open to all over the age of 18 who want to find out more about the INO and deepen their individual practice of Yoga and spiritual awakening.

All important concepts and practicalities will be introduced and discussed during the February 19th introduction and daily after midday sessions. Individual matters not covered at these sessions can be discussed by appointment with Sri Kapilnath.

Sri Kapilnath is a disciple of Sri Gurudev Mahendranath who appointed him as the leader of the International Nath Order, an international initiatory sampradaya of the ancient Nath tradition.

February 19
4:20pm chanting followed by introduction and discussion of the weeks activities.

February 20
5:30am to 7am meditation
12:00pm to 1:30 chanting mantras.
5:00pm to 6:30pm meditation

February 21
5:30am to 7am meditation
12:00pm to 1:30 chanting and general welfare ritual.
5:00pm to 6:30pm meditation

February 22
12:00pm to 1:30 chanting mantras.
4:15pm to 6pm Lajeshwara Lingam Yoni oblation.

February 23
5:30am to 7am meditation
12:00pm to 1:30 chanting and general welfare ritual.
5:00pm to 6:30pm meditation

February 24
12:00pm to 1:30 meditation
4:11pm to 7:00 pm ShivaRatri Dhuni

February 25
Goodbyes and Onward …

While all activities will be discussed on February 19th, please read the following links to familiarize yourself with important concepts.
Twilight Yoga
Awakening the Nath Dhuni
The Tantra of Blowing the Mind
Specifics on the general welfare ritual will be given at the retreat. The modality of this particular ritual is chanted mantra and simultaneous ritual action. This focus is on specific magickal links and the transference of general welfare blessings to the individual represented by that link. All participants are involved in the same ritual action with expression of blessing transference to individual level.

PLEASE NOTE: Many initiated Nathas, climate permitting, conduct their worship in the nude. This is not mandatory for any participant but may occur. Be advised. If you would like to attend this rare and profound experience, please email: with a short description of who you are and how you have come to be interested in this retreat.