Greetings All,
The origin of the Taviz itself dates back to prehistory.
I only learned about the “Taviz” from Shri Mahendranath. He called it taviz or the “God Cracker.” It is a piece of paper which has been impregnated with Shakti power as a blessing and worn around the neck in a suitable locket for protection or “good luck.”
The paper is plain or fancy, the energy vibe is fixed into the paper and often signed by the person doing the work.
Many visitors came to Mahendranath to receive one. One need only ask. It is an energetic connection between the individuals giving-receiving and the Energy Vibe Blessing of the Divine Cosmos.
While most would just wear around the neck for good luck blessings, some clever folks would hold them in their hands and meditate in an attempt to reverse engineer their way back to the source of the energy.

This particular example was from a matchbox full of them which was sent from India by Shri Gurudev Mahendranath in the late 1980s.
Guru Om,
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